Minerva is so very pleased to meet you! Just look at that face!! She is 20" tall and is made from a beautiful, soft plush fabric which has a white base with coloured tips in pink, purple, yellow, coral and a touch of blue. Not all of the colours show up since they are quite subtle. The fabric pile is longer but not as thick as some of my recent fabric so she has more of a streamline look. Minerva is fully jointed and stuffed with a bit of polyfil in her head, each paw and neck. The rest of her is filled with pellets so she has a beautiful weight to her and she is quite cuddly. Her paw pads are white ultra-suede that have been needle felted to give her adorable toes. She has glass eyes and a hand-stitched nose. She comes wearing her new onesie with her little blanket but you are welcome to have her top hat as well. Her hat is fully and easily removeable for those big cuddle sessions. It has an elastic that goes around her head and under her chin. Her big, black bow is jut simply tied around her neck so it is also easily removeable.
Minerva has been designed and completely hand sewn by myself. I hope you love her as much as I do!